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Number 1 reason why Stupid ones get recruited and the Smart ones have to wait their turn…

“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts while the stupid ones are full of confidence” – Charles Bukowski.

We have all attended interviews and we have seen that the end recruitment result usually surprises us, sometimes a little and sometimes a little more. A friend who is extremely good at technical knowledge gets left out and one more with mediocre tech know how gets the job.

Truth be told – I found a deeper sense of meaning when I reflected on my experiences in the corporate world. Assuming that the recruiting institution has technical know how of recruiting and has made the right choice of candidate is absolutely wrong. The reason why an appraisal system exists in every organization is fundamental proof that not all employees in an organization are impeccable at their portfolios. A filtering mechanism is required to ensure the right ones grow and the wrong ones are left behind at least till they enhance their skills or are pink slipped.

So why does this system of recruitment falter and lead to millions of losses worldwide for all organizations big and small. Why one right candidate can’t be chosen instead of a bunch of nincompoops, one at a time.

In early 2005 when I applied for the position of a cabin crew I noticed that a lot of interesting and capable candidates who I had spoken to in the waiting room failed to make a mark in the first rounds itself. Although they were good at speaking and had other attributes similar to me, they failed to make an immediate impression on the panel and were rejected.

6 years later when I had grown up the corporate ladder I started recruiting. Only when I started being in the panel did I realize that human beings are judgmental. A perception is made about an individual, ambience, retail space, product, etc; almost anything and everything. Even though being judgmental is looked down upon there is no denying the fact that “Moment of Truth”, “first impression is the best impression”, “don’t judge a book by it’s cover” are sugar coated judgmental quotes.

The panel has either decided to take you in or let you go in the first 10 seconds. What you wore, how you walked, the first word that you spoke, the tone that you had and the manner in which you sat has either sealed the deal or broken it.

Education never ruined anyone. But, education only taught you to aim at getting your degree and not how to get the job and neither how to keep it. Majority of students are nervous about what would be asked in the interview. The nervousness leads to the same emotional triggers that you have when you are out on your first date. You never knew how to introduce yourselves and how to dress for the occasion.

A simple introduction which could have been written down and a well fitted attire can do wonders to a candidate to get through the first few rounds. A brilliantly fitted shirt can do what an ill fitted suit can’t, an impeccably polished shoes can make an exemplary impression whereas a dirty Louis Vuitton can send you home. The basics can literally make you stand out.

The idea is simple but nobody teaches you in school or in any educational institution. Everybody spends almost 16 years in schools and colleges but a mere one hour preparation can make or break your chances in an interview.

My simple advice coming from recruiting and handling a team of close to 700 individuals is to give yourself that time to decide how you will look and what you will do in an interview. The technical knowledge is only tested towards the last stages. Getting through the first couple of stages is as important as the knowledge that you have learnt in 16 years.

The answer simply lies in looking at yourself in the mirror and asking yourself – If you were on the other side of the table would you recruit the person in the mirror only based on first impression???

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